Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Planning for Winter Term: A Study in Procrastination

Currently Reading: The Nether World by George Gissing

I received confirmation of my classes for next term. I’ll be teaching advanced reading, writing and a vocabulary elective. These are exactly the classes I wanted, and I have more than a month to organize materials, review new resources, create lesson plans, and take care of some administrative details. So, this morning I began as follows: get darling daughter off to school, return home, make tea, start up Mac, clean stove top, read Facebook updates, look for advanced reading binder (unsuccessful), try on new pants – fit!, eat rye toast with peanut butter, put pajama pants back on, read email (check links to MTF Price Matters Flyer, Banana Republic, and Coudal Partners), tidy up stuffed animals, take photo of self with Mac Photo Booth, edit blemishes from photo,  email photo to friend for feedback, wait for feedback, post photo on, rearrange mantle décor, shower, tweeze, put nice pants back on while watching Restaurant Impossible, google ‘Kermit origins’ and read Wikipedia entry, fetch mail, read Hammacher Schlemmer catalogue, and pick up my daughter from school.

Time wasted: Approximately 5 hours
Work Accomplished: None

Plan of Action for Tomorrow: Proceed directly to university office and locate advanced reading binder, and try to do it without being distracted by pants, grease, or knick knacks. 

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